NAIE: Pret Met Spel Gr 2
N$99.00NAIE: Pret Met Spel Gr 2
Showing 201–220 of 298 results
The Solid Foundations Natural Science and Health Education Grade 4 Learner’s Book for the Senior Primary Phase has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Natural Science and Health Education Syllabus developed by NIED for implementation in 2016. The Solid Foundations Natural Science and Health Education Grade 4 Learner’s Book aims to establish…
Natural Science And Health Education, Gr 4, TG
The Phonics Book for Learners for Grade 2 First Additional Language is ancillary to the Phonics Book that the learners use. It comprises a year plan, term plans in which sounds and letters which is learnt is summarised, sight words and spelling words as well as a memo for the exercises in the learners’ books. It is CAPS compliant.
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDERS CAN TAKE 12 WEEKS TO ARRIVE Hierdie titel bevat skakels tussen die stories en ontwikkel leesstamina. In die eerste stel stories ontdek die hoofkarakters ‘n geheime kamer. Die tweede stel stories fokus op Wim en Wilma en hul gesin
Pharos Junior Tweetalige Skoolwoordeboek Afr/Eng
Pharos Klein Woordeboek Afrikaans/Engels
Pharos Tweetalige Skool Woordeboek Afrikaans/Engels
Pharos: Beknopte Verklarende Woordeboek
The Pharos Foundation Phase dictionary Afrikaans–Engels/English–Afrikaans is a brand new addition to the Pharos school dictionary family for learners in Grades 1 to 4. Learners will learn to use a bilingual dictionary with ease in order to later use dictionaries for the Intermediate Phase and Senior Phase with self-confidence. True first bilingual dictionary All the sight words and spelling words in one…
Phonics Book For Learners: Teachers Guide
Phonics Book Teachers Guide Gr. R Home Language
Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 5 is gemik op leerders wat Afrikaans as Huistaal neem. Dit bevat interessante leerstof en volkleur illustrasies om visuele geletterdheid te bevorder. Al die taalinhoud, aktiwiteite, speletjies en ander oefeninge word met dié van ander vakke geïntegreer sodat die kennis wat die leerders opdoen, hulle ervaringswêreld verryk en hul sodoende deeglik voorberei…
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