Showing 2681–2700 of 2782 results

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    Wees Sterk En Standvastig

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS TO COMPLETE   Wanneer die uitdagings en hindernisse van die lewe dreig om jou te oorweldig, kan jy bemoediging vind in God se Woord. God het belowe om vir jou goeie dinge te gee wanneer jy vasstaan in jou geloof in Hom. Die 366…

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    Rated 0 out of 5

    Niekie is weg, en niemand gee om nie. Sy is immers bekend vir haar impulsiewe kunstenaarstemperament en het al voorheen vir ’n paar dae pad gevat om te gaan skilder. Maar haar kêrel, Zack, word al hoe meer bekommerd. Waarom het Niekie nie opgedaag vir hulle afspraak nie? Hoekom antwoord sy nie haar foon nie?…

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    Weird And Wonderful Nature

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Weird And Wonderful Nature

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    Welcome To The Family

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: IF STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MY TAKE UP TO 12 WEEKS   Welcome to the family – whichever way you came into it! Do you have a mom and a dad, a stepmom, foster parents, or maybe two moms or two dads? There are various kinds of families, and this book explores them…

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    Rated 0 out of 5

    Wenskat!Mira wil net dieretuindiere as troeteldiere aanhou en elke dag roomys eet, maar almal se altyd ‘nee!’Wanneer ‘n rowwe, wilde rondloperkat in die dorp opdaag, word Mira se wens waar…Maar sal sy gelukkig wees?

  • Fanie Viljoen

    Wereld Van Wolwe 1, Eerste Bloed

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Alle kinders is bang vir iets. As hulle sê hulle is nie, lieg hulle.” Joshua Reinders maak ’n groot fout. As hy net nie so bang was nie, het sy pa nooit daardie aand ’n kind geskiet nie. Dis hoekom hulle na Droomhoek moes vlug. Maar ook in Droomhoek teister die vrees hom. Skaduwees is…

  • Fanie Viljoen

    Wereld Van Wolwe 2, Tweede Asem

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In Tweede asem probeer Joshua sy nuwe identiteit as ’n weerwolf vir sy pa wegsteek, terwyl hy met die hulp van sy nuwe vriend, Ash, meer leer oor hoe om sy weerwolfmagte te beheer. Lesers leer ook meer oor die geskiedenis van Droomhoek en oor ’n donker mag, die Wêreld van wolwe, wat weerwolwe as lede vir…

  • Fanie Viljoen

    Wereld Van Wolwe 3: Derde Mag

    Rated 0 out of 5

    “Jou pa is ’n moordenaar,” sis Wolfgang. “Hy moor my weerwolwe. Eendag gaan hy jou ookskiet. Wag maar, daardie dag kom.”Joshua Reinders se lewe is ’n gemors. Hy dra ’n groot geheim: Hy is ’n weerwolf. En sy pa is’n weerwolfjagter. Die spanning verhoog egter toe Wolfgang Lycaon in Droomhoek opdaag.Die afskuwelike leier van die…

  • Helena Hugo

    Weskus Omnibus 2

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Twee inspirerende topverkoper-romans in een omnibusTer wille van Talita: Die Van den Heevers hou hulle eenkant, maar beland onder die soeklig wanneer Theuns van den Heever nie wil hê sy dogters moet aan ’n Kersspel deelneem nie. Haar ma se kind​: Dania Pietersen is Dora en Jonnie se susterskind wat by hulle bly. Sy is ’n modelkind en…

  • Hannes Barnard

    Wet Van Gauteng

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Kapteine McKelly en Mhlanga ontmoet op die misdaadtoneel van ’n mislukte plaasaanval in Muldersdrift. Nog ’n lyk met ’n gapende linkeroogkas word gevind. Dit bring die getal slagoffers wat vanaf Februarie in die Gauteng-area met dieselfde modus operandi vermoor is op ses te staan. Die wet van Gauteng het ’n eg verweefde Suid-Afrikaanse intrige: politieke faksiegevegte,…

  • Leon De Villiers


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Wetenskaap bestaan uit ‘n versameling speelse, onderste-bo wonderlike en snaakse vyte oor die mens, die aarde en die sommer nog baie ander dinge in die heelal. ‘n Heerlike boek vol fiktiewe feite wat nuuskierige agies vir ure sal laat glimlag.

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    What Do Monsters And Mermaids Munch

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Have you ever wondered what monsters and mermaids eat for breakfast? Do you know what a Bloobidah’s favourite lunch is? And do you know how to make frikkadells for dragons?

  • James Patterson

    What Really Happens In Vegas

    Rated 0 out of 5

    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas – until now.Whether you’re a Vegas regular or have only heard the city’s tales through whispers, this book will surprise and astound you . . . It’s not just the five-star dining, or the casinos, or the clubs, or the crowds. It’s the electrifying chemistry of America’s most…

  • Julia Donaldson

    What The Jackdaw Saw

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The jackdaw wants all his friends to come to his party, but when he calls out his invitation the animals just touch their heads. Why won’t they answer? And what do their actions mean? Luckily a brown owl can help him with the puzzle!This book about friendship and sign language was created by Julia Donaldson,…

  • Mark Gartside

    What Will Survive

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Graham Melton was a normal fifteen-year-old until he met Charlotte Marshall over a can of warm lager at his best-friend’s party in 1985. It was love at first sight, and teenage life was never going to be the same again. Two decades later, Graham is a single father trying to protect his son from the…

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    What’s Happening To Me? – Boys

    Rated 0 out of 5

    With bright, cartoon-style illustrations and clear diagrams this sensitive, detailed and informative guide explains male puberty in a reassuring and friendly way. It tackles everything from physical and hormonal changes to emotional upheaval. Ideal for libraries and schools, the contents and index pages make key topics easy to find.

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    What’s Happening To Me? – Girls

    Rated 0 out of 5

    This sensitive, informative guide to puberty for girls tackles everything from body image to mood swings, hormones and first bras. Bright, cartoon-style illustrations and scientific diagrams explain the physical and emotional changes of growing up in a simple and reassuring way, while the contents and index pages make key topics easy to find.

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    When Sadness Comes To Call

    Rated 0 out of 5

    When Sadness arrives, try not to be afraid: give it a name, listen to it and spend some time together. Maybe all it wants is to know that it’s welcome. This beautiful debut by new author-illustrator talent Eva Eland takes a poignant but uplifting look at dealing with uncomfortable emotions.”Gentle and profound… a poignant look…

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    When The Sun Goes Home

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Have you ever wondered what happens when the sun goes home? Find out in this delightful bedtime story about friendship, feelings and kindness. Everyone knows how a day goes.The sun rises and shines above us with his glorious smile.At the end of the day, he disappears over the horizon.But what people don’t know is what…

  • Delia Owens

    Where The Crawdads Sing

    Rated 0 out of 5

    For years, rumors of the ‘Marsh Girl’ have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years…

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