Showing 2541–2560 of 2782 results
Die eerste drie boeke in die gewilde Trompie-reeks. In Trompie ontmoet ons die elfjarige sproetgesig Trompie, Grootkaptein van die Boksombende. Hy en sy vriende Rooie, Blikkies en klein Dawie, maak die lewe interessant (en soms taamlik moeilik!) vir die inwoners van hul tuisdorp, Kwaggaberg. In Trompie die stouterd trek Trompie vir die nuwe seun wat…
In hierdie omnibus, wat nog drie gewilde Trompie-stories bevat, word die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit! In Trompie die hoerskoolseun maak die Boksombende Â’n plan om geld in te samel om vir Rooie Â’n fiets te koop. In Trompie die dromer word die bende bedreig – deur Â’n meisiekind! Trompie, die Grootkaptein…
In hierdie omnibus, wat nóg drie gewilde Trompie-stories bevat, word die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit! Titels in hierdie omnibus: Trompie die kragman, Trompie die hartedief en Trompie die held. Die ondeunde Trompie het ’n sjarme wat tot oud en jonk spreek en nuwe lesers sal dadelik deur Trompie en die Boksombende se avonture meegevoer word!
In hierdie omnibus, wat nóg drie gewilde Trompie-stories bevat, word die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit! Trompie samel geld in vir ‘n bedlêende seun, Trompie word verkies as junior leerderraadslid en die rugbyseisoen begin – wat beteken dat Trompie en sy maats se lewe net om een ding draai.
In hierdie omnibus, wat nóg drie gewilde Trompie-stories bevat, word die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit. Trompie wil ‘n seun se krieketkolf leen, maar hy moet mooi met die suinige ryk seun onderhandel om sy kolf vir hom te leen sodat Kwaggaberg se seuns kan gaan krieket speel.
In hierdie omnibus, wat nóg drie gewilde Trompie-stories bevat, word die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit. Die ondeunde Trompie het ‘n sjarme wat tot oud en jonk spreek en nuwe lesers sal dadelik deur Trompie en die Boksombende se avonture meegevoer word. Hierdie omnibus bevat nog drie gewilde Trompie-stories.
In hierdie omnibus, wat nóg drie gewilde Trompie-stories bevat, word die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit. Trompie moet veg vir sy plek as spankamptein van die rugbyspan, veral wanneer sy vyand, Gerrit Moerdyk, almal teen hom draai. Trompie en sy maats bak ook vir die wetenskaponderwyser ‘n poets en Trompie skryf in vir…
Die laaste omnibus in hierdie reeks bevat nóg drie gewilde Trompie-stories. Die sproetgesig Grootkaptein en die Boksombende se avonture voortgesit en Trompie en sy maats besluit om in die kloof te gaan swem en dan teen die berg op te klim en die grotte daarbo te verken. Trompie ontmoet ook die mooiste meisie wat hy nog…
Coral Reef City is home to the most dazzling shoals of tropical fish in ALL the ocean. And then there is Terry. Terry looks grey. Terry feels dull. And although he is the best at playing “Hide A Fish”, he can’t help but wonder: Just what would it feel like to be part of that…
Can the mysteries of the human heart ever be unravelled? Pursuing a scientific explanation for a disturbing and unexplained phenomenon, Jeremy’s sceptical nature is thrown off course when he meets Lexie, the town librarian. As they work together, ghostly occurrences and passionate moments converge, forcing Jeremy to realise that there are some truths science cannot…
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grade 1 This workbook introduces Afrikaans as an additional language. Learners are introduced to Afrikaans words in an easy and systematic manner to build a firm foundation to learning the language. Workbook 1 includes action words, pronouns, numbers, colours, prepositions, and…
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grade 2 This workbook introduces Afrikaans as an additional language. Learners are introduced to Afrikaans words in an easy and systematic manner to build a firm foundation to learning the language. Workbook 2 includes action words, pronouns, numbers, colours, and words…
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grades 2/3 This workbook includes bonds up to 20 plus bonds up to 1000 in multiples of 10’s and 100’s. The 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 times tables are covered thoroughly in this workbook. Revision exercises for tables are included…
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDERS MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grades 1/2 This workbook follows a similar pattern to workbook 1. The reading passages revise and consolidate initial and final consonant blends. Vowel and consonant digraphs are also introduced. A5 landscape book of 48 pages.
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grade 1 Introduces learners to basic skills required for language development. Introduces initial and final consonant sounds, 3 letter blends, initial and final blends, essential vowel and consonant digraphs, with sentence construction and other varied activities. Learners practise and consolidate language…
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grade 2 This workbook follows on from Developing Language Skills Workbook 1 and revises the initial and final blends. It introduces all the necessary digraphs for grade 2, with sentence construction and other varied activities. Learners practise and consolidate language and…
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: IF STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS. Recommended for Grade 1 This workbook introduces English as an additional language to young learners.English Step by step Workbook 1 deals with everyday words, simple word building, themes and basic sentence construction. A4 book of 64 pages.
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grade 3 This workbook is a follow on from Simply Phonics Workbook 4 and is suited to Grade 3 and above. A list of words is provided according to a particular sound/word pattern and learners are given 3 pages of varied…
PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS Recommended for Grades 1-3 This workbook is a dictionary for young learners. Two pages have been allocated to each letter of the alphabet. One page consisting of words and pictures where the learners write/copy the words and colour in pictures. The accompanying blank…
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