Showing 81–100 of 1997 results

  • Anthony Horowitz

    Alex Rider 6, Ark Angel

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the sixth book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex has a chance encounter with the son of multi-billionaire NikoleiDrevin. Soon Alex finds himself in the middle of an international crime hunt. The connection – Ark Angel, a revolutionary space hotel with catastrophic potential.

  • Anthony Horowitz

    Alex Rider 7: Snakehead

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the seventh book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex is forced into the Australian secret service. His target is the criminal underworld of South East Asia, and a ruthless organization known as the Snakehead.

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    Alex Rider 8, Crocodile Tears

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Alex Rider’s eighth, adrenaline fueled adventure in the number one bestselling series.

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    Alex Rider 9, Scorpia Rising

    Rated 0 out of 5

    This gripping final mission brings together Alex Rider’s old enemies to frame the teenage superspy in an unstoppable plot of revenge, from which he can never return. Pursued from Europe to North Africa and Cairo’s city of the dead – this is the twistiest and most deadly plot of any Alex Rider mission yet, and…

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    Rated 0 out of 5

    Do aliens exist? Are UFOs real? The race is on to discover alien life in the universe!This book will sort myth from fact to bring you the real science behind the search for alien lifeforms. Space expert Joalda Morancy will take readers on a tour of the Solar System (and beyond) on board new NASA…

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    All You Need To Know Before You Start School

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Join five animal friends as they start school in this delightful introduction to the school day, from getting dressed in the morning to home time. Charming illustrations describe the school day and some of the early years concepts children will learn, including colours, numbers and counting, getting dressed, seasons and more.

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    Alles-In-Een Eerste Addisionele Taal Gr 1 Onderwysersgids

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The NuweALLES-IN-EEN GRAAD 1EAT Onderwyswersgids (KABV) comprises of• a year plan for the subjects• the four term plans for the subject• a daily timetable and a time schedule for a week• the weekly work schedules• daily step-by-step lessons plans for 40 weeks• hints and essential background information for each theme.CDThe CD comprises of• free resources…

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    Alles-In-Een Gr 3 Fun With English Workbook

    Rated 0 out of 5

    This workbook has been written along with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement guidelines. It follows the CAPS prescribed progression of topics, and the prescribed progression of phonics and reading skills to be acquired. The book indicates in which week each worksheet or practice page must be completed and reflects the step-by-step progression of acquiring new skills.The workbook has been developed to support…

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    Alles-In-Een Gr 3 Pret Met Afrikaans

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die werkboek is ontwikkel volgens die vereistes van die kurrikulum (KABV). Aandag word gegee aan woordeskat wat die kind hardop moet herhaal sodat dat die kind teen die einde van die grondslagfase vlot kan praat en leesstof in Afrikaans kan lees. Die werkvelle en oefenbladsye, wat die kind saam met die praatwerk moet doen, bied geleentheid vir inoefening…

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    Alles-In-Een Lewensvaardighede Gr R Onderwysersgids

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Nuwe Alles-In-Een Graad R Lewensvaardighede Onderwysersgids contains a year plan, four term plans, a possible week schedule and daily 40-week step-by-step teaching plans. The teaching plans include: a weekly teaching plan, tips and essential information like background knowledge, topical stories, rhymes and songs, complete daily step-by-step lessons and assessment tasks.

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    Alles-In-Een Voorskoolse Aktiwiteitsboek 1

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The NEW ALL-IN-ONE Activity Book for Pre-schoolers is compiled for parents/educators/practitioners/caregivers who want to give their learners/children a head start. This activity book are compiled to The South African National Curriculum Framework for Children from Birth to Four. provides activities which require learners/children to develop practical skills. includes Early Learning and Development Areas. aids in development of toddlers/young children/children almost entering Grade R….

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    Alles-In-Een: Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Gr 3; Leerderboek

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die Eerste Addisionele Taal Leerderboek is ontwikkel volgens die vereistes van die Kurrikulum- en assesseringsbeleidsverklaring vir Graad 3. Dit gee geleentheid vir die bekendstelling en inskerping van leerinhoud, met minstens twee bladsye volkleuraktiwiteite per week. Ook verskaf die Leerderboek aktiwiteite wat vir assessering gebruik kan word. Die onderrigplanne in die Onderwysersgidse beskryf volledig hoe, waar en wanneer…

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    Alles-In-Een: Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal Gr 3; Onderwysersgids

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die Eerste Addisionele Taal Onderwysersgids vir Graad 3 bevat ’n jaarplan, kwartaalplanne en daaglikse stap-vir-stap-onderrigplanne vir 40 weke. Die onderrigplanne sluit volgende in: weeklikse onderrigplan/wenke/noodsaaklike inligting/rympies/liedjies/stap-vir-stap-lesse vir elke dag/assesseringstake. Volgens die vereistes van die KABV ontwikkel. 

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    Alles-In-Een: Afrikaans Huistaal Gr R; Onderwysersgids

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Nuwe Alles-In-Een Graad R Huistaal Onderwysersgids contains a year plan, four term plans, a possible week schedule and daily 40-week step-by-step teaching plans. The teaching plans include: a weekly teaching plan, tips and essential information like background knowledge, rhymes and songs, complete daily step-by-step lessons and assessment tasks.The Teacher’s Guide has been adapted according to the latest…

  • Alles-in-Een

    Alles-In-Een: Gr 2 Leer Lees En Skryf

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The New All-In-One Learn to Read and Write Workbook for Grade 2 has been compiled to the requirements of CAPS and is designed to give learners a head start in learning English Home Language, at home and in class.The activities will strengthen learners’ language knowledge by giving them the opportunity to practise reading, handwriting and writing skills…

  • Alles-in-Een

    Alles-In-Een: Gr1 Leer Lees En Skryf

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The Leer lees en skryf–werkboek for Grade 1 has been compiled to the requirements of CAPS and is designed to give learners a head start in learning English Home Language, at home and in class.The activities will strengthen learners’ language knowledge by giving them the opportunity to practise reading, handwriting and writing skills at the correct level. Reading lessons are…

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    Alles-In-Een: Handleiding Vir Voorskoolse Aktiwieteite

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The New All-In-One Manual for Pre-school Activities has been compiled according to the National Curriculum Framework for Children Birth to Four Years to assist caregivers, teachers, teaching practitioners and parents in educating tots, toddlers and children up to five years old. This manual consists of teaching plans compiled for three age groups with daily lesson plans to teach children fun and interactive…

  • Alles-in-Een

    Alles-in-Een: Klankboek Vir Leerders – Afrikaans Huistaal: Onderwysersgids Gr3

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die Klankboek vir leerders Huistaal Onderwysersgids bevat ‘n jaarplan en die vier kwartaalplanne. Die Onderwysersgids is volgens die vereistes KABV ontwikkel. Die Onderwysersgids bevat leiding om enkelklanke, dubbelklanke, klanksamestellings, meervoude, verkleiningsvorme asook spel- en sigwoorde aan die Huistaalleerder te leer. Vir ouers en onderwysers aanbeveel.

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    Alles-In-Een: Klankboek Vir Leerders Eerste Addisionele Taal Gr 3; Onderwysersgids

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die Klankboek vir leerders EAT Onderwysersgids bevat ‘n jaarplan en die vier kwartaalplanne. Die onderrigplanne sluit die volgende in: die weeklikse onderrigplan, wenke en noodsaaklike inligting as agtergrondkennis voordat die lesse aangepak word, volledige stap-vir-stap-lesse vir elke dag en leiding om die voorgeskrewe assesseringstake te voltooi. Dit bevat die memorandum vir die aktiwiteite in die leerder se…

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    Alles-In-Een: Klankboek Vir Leerders Gr 3, Eerste Addisionele Taal

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die Klankboek vir leerders vir Huistaal is ontwikkel volgens die vereistes van die KABVvir Graad 3. Die klanke wat die leerder moet leer in Graad 3 word hierin behandel, bv. enkelklanke (a, e, o, i en u), dubbelklanke (aa, ee, oo en uu), diftonge (pl, br, fr en sp) asook vokaalkombinasies (ei en ie). Meervoude en verkleining…

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