Showing 61–80 of 1997 results

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    AIO Gr R: Level 3, Reader 5

    Rated 0 out of 5

    AIO Gr R: Level 3, Reader 5

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    AIO Gr R: Level 4, Reader 3

    Rated 0 out of 5

    AIO Gr R: Level 4, Reader 3

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    AIO Gr R: Level 8, Reader 5

    Rated 0 out of 5

    AIO Gr R: Level 8, Reader 5

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    AIO: Gr R: Level 5, Reader 5

    Rated 0 out of 5

    AIO: Gr R: Level 5, Reader 5

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    Aksie-Bybel: Helde En Skurke

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS TO COMPLETE   Wat maak iemand ’n held? Of wat maak hom ’n skurk? Wanneer ons hulle stories lees, sien ons dikwels party mense is soms ’n held en soms ’n skurk.Die opwindende insigte en lewendige illustrasies in Die Aksie-Bybel: Helde en skurke help kinders tussen…

  • Fanie Viljoen

    Aksieheld Austin 1, Operasie Sabotasie

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ewald is baie opgewonde toe hy die rol van Aksieheld Austin in ’n fliek losslaan. Maar iets is nie pluis op die filmstel nie. Dit lyk asof ’n regte skurk die rolprent probeer saboteer. As Ewald die fliek wil red, sal hy so dapper soos ’n REGTE aksieheld moet wees …

  • Fanie Viljoen

    Aksieheld Austin 2, Nag Van Grille

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ewald is nog op laerskool, maar sy naam is reeds op almal se lippe. G’n wonder nie – hy is immers die ster van die gewilde Aksieheld Austin-rolprente. In die flieks is hy ’n dapper held met vuiste soos kanonkoeëls wat skurke laat les opsê!Die tweede fliek, Aksieheld Austin: Nag van grille, is pas voltooi, en Ewald…

  • Jaco Jacobs

    Al Staan Jy Op Jou Kop

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Al Staan Jy Op Jou Kop

  • Marita vd Vyver

    Al Wat Ek Weet

    Rated 0 out of 5

    JyÂ’s kwaad vir die hele wereld. En jou enigste wapen is Â’n rugsak vol woorde. Gabriel is vyftien jaar oud. Fifteen going on fifty, soos sy ma altyd geterg het. En na haar dood weet hy skielik nie meer waar hy inpas nie. Die sielkundige wil he hy moet oor sy gevoelens praat. Maar hoe…

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    Albertus Die Jakkalsie: Dag Op Die Plaas

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vandag neem oupa Takbok vir Albertus en sy maatjies op ‘n uitstappie! Hulle sien al die hele week na hierdie dag uit, maar hoe hard hulle ook al probeer om uit te vind waarheen hulle gaan, oupa Takbok hou dit ‘n groot verrassing.

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    Albertus Die Jakkalsie: Die Verjaarsdag

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vandag is Albertus se verjaarsdag, maar hy wil nie groot word nie! Hy besluit om weg te kruip sodat niemand hom kan gelukwens nie. Maar sonder ’n verjaarsdag … sonder ’n koek … sonder geskenke … Hy begin nou wonder … Miskien is dit tog nie só sleg om groot te word nie!

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    Albertus Die Jakkalsie: Dis Nie Maklik Nie

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vandag is Albertus kwaad. Hanno, sy jonger boetie, het hom baie kwaad gemaak. Gelukkig is Pappa daar om die gemoedere te sus. Regtigwaar, dit is nie maklik om ’n ouboet te wees nie.

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    Albertus Die Jakkalsie: Wil Nie Slaap Nie

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vandag neem oupa Takbok vir Albertus en sy maatjies op ’n uitstappie! Hulle sien al die hele week na hierdie dag uit, maar hoe hard hulle ook al probeer om uit te vind waarheen hulle gaan, oupa Takbok hou dit ’n groot verrassing.

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    Alex Rider 1, Stormbreaker

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the first book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, fourteen-year-old Alex is forcibly recruited into MI6. Armed with secret gadgets, he is sent to investigate Herod Sayle, a man who is offering state-of-the-art Stormbreaker computers to every school in the country. But the teenage spy soon finds himself in…

  • Anthony Horowitz

    Alex Rider 10, Russian Roulette

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The eagerly anticipated, deadly prequel to the number one bestselling Alex Rider series.In the prequel to the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, contract killer Yassen Gregorovich is given orders to kill Alex. But Yassen knows a secret from the past that connects him to the fourteen-year-old spy. What is it that…

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    Alex Rider 12, Secret Weapon

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ever since MI6 recognized his potential, Alex Rider has constantly been thrust into the line of danger. From a routine visit to the dentist that turns into a chase through the streets of London, to a school trip with a deadly twist, no day has ever been ordinary for the teenage super-spy. This collection of…

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    Alex Rider 2, Point Blank

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the second book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex is sent by MI6 to infiltrate the exclusive Point Blanc Academy. But the academy hides a deadly secret. Can Alex alert the world to the truth before it’s too late?

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    Alex Rider 3, Skeleton Key

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The third, explosive mission in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series. In the third book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex faces his most dangerous challenge yet. Teaming up with the CIA, Alex must go to a remote Caribbean island called Skeleton Key, where the insane…

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    Alex Rider 4,, Eagle Strike

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the fourth book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex is in the South of France, hoping to sever his links with MI6. But when a sudden attack on his hosts plunges Alex back into a world of violence, he soon uncovers a plan called Eagle strike…

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    Alex Rider 5, Scorpia

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the fifth book in the number one bestselling Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, teenage spy Alex travels to Venice to discover the truth about his past. But the truth lies with a criminal organization known as Scorpia, and Alex must make a choice… work for MI6 once more, or betray everything he believes…

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