Showing 601–620 of 1566 results

  • Fanie Viljoen

    Hokaai, Lulu

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Geniet hope pret saam met Lulu en haar nuwe ponie Die groot dag het eindelik aangebreek … Lulu verjaar! Nie eens die nare tweeling van langsaan, Alet en Alex, kan haar dag bederf nie. Veral nie toe Lulu haar verjaardagpresent kry nie – ’n ponie! Kort voor lank begin sy met rylesse. Eers gaan dit…

  • De Wet Hugo

    Holdersterbolder Hondepartytjie

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vir sy 10de verjaardag wens Jaco net vir een ding: ‘n hond! En hy wil ‘n hondepartytjie hê, met hondekolwyntjies. Maar gaan sy ouers vir hom die geskenk van sy drome gee? Sal sy gunsteling-sanggroep, Wagter en die waghonde, by sy partytjie kan wees? En wie moet hy nooi: net sy maats wat van honde…

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    Home Language English Gr. 1

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Home Language English Gr. 1

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    Hond In Die Rok en Hardloop Tom!

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Hond in ‘n Rok – Die diere dra baie klere. Wie se klere is dit? Hardloop, Tom, Hardloop! – Tom hou van hardloop. Sal Tom die resies wen? Daar is verskillende kleurkodes wat die leesvlak en moeilikheidsgraad van die teks aandui. Al die leesboekies in hierdie reeks is met kleurkodes gemerk volgens die aanvaarde standaard.

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    Hondeskou Ramp

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Jenny wil haar hond Jasper vir die hondeskou inskryf. Sy rig hom af en gee hom ’n bad, maar alles verloop nie volgens plan nie! Sal Jasper iets wen?

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    Honey Bee

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Honey Bee

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    Horrid Henry And The Zombie Vampire

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.Henry’s class are on a spooky school trip to the local museum, but could there be a terrifying zombie vampire on the…

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    How About A Story Before Dreamland

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS   What was that? You don’t know where to start dreaming tonight? Oh, we might just be able to help with that! Do you know who lives in Dreamland? There is a giant who’s very different from other giants. And Elvis Elephant can’t work…

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    How Cheetah Got His Tears

    Rated 0 out of 5

    How Cheetah Got His Tears

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    How Do You Feel

    Rated 0 out of 5

    How Do You Feel

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    How To Be A Hero

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A hilarious high-stakes fantasy adventure about friendship and bravery set in the world of the Norse Gods. Fully illustrated throughout, Cat Weldon’s How to Be a Hero is perfect for fans of How to Train Your Dragon and Who Let the Gods Out.‘Genuinely funny and thrilling’ – Amanda CraigA no-good viking thief. The worst-ever trainee valkyrie. An ungodly case of mistaken…

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    How To Be A Hero 2: Land Of Lost Things

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Take up the quest in the hilariously epic second installment of the How to be a Hero series, from Cat Weldon, illustrated by Katie Kear.Welcome to the Land of Lost Things. Unlikely hero Whetstone and trainee Valkyrie Lotta are on an quest to find Whetstone’s long-lost father. But when Loki the trickster God sends his…

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    How To Be A Hero 3: Gathering Of Giants

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Unlikely hero Whetstone and banished Valkyrie Lotta are in hiding.Their quest to find the magic harp strings before Loki, the trickster God, can use them to bring chaos to the Nine Worlds has come to a dead end. And with the evil Valkyrie Glinting-Fire wreaking havoc on earth, nowhere is safe. Especially when Lotta can’t…

  • Cressida Cowell

    How To Train Your Dragon 10, How To Seize A Dragons Jewel

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is a smallish Viking with a longish name. Hiccup’s father is chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe which means Hiccup is the Hope and the Heir to the Hairy Hooligan throne – but most of the time Hiccup feels like a very ordinary boy, finding it hard to be a…

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    Huistaal Afrikaans Gr 1

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Huistaal Afrikaans Gr 1

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    Humpback Whale

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A First Field Guide to the Singing Giant of the Ocean Head to the depths of the ocean to study humpback whales in this beautiful non-fiction field guide for kids. You may know that humpback whales use whale song to communicate with each other, but there’s so much more to discover about these giants of…

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    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die klassieke Huppel-stories is weer beskikbaar in een pragtige bundel. Wie onthou die Slaapkouse en die Nuuskierige Agies wat moet help dat Storieman sy storie vertel in Wip-Huppel-Wip? In Vrolike Huppelkind besoek hy saam met Fiefman die Land van Wol en Hare, en wanneer Huppel verjaar, kry hy ‘n regte koekoek in ‘n klok! Die kleurvolle, komiese karakters…

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    I Love My Mommy

    Rated 0 out of 5

    I Love My Mommy

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    I Love You Brighter Than The Stars

    Rated 0 out of 5

    I Love You Brighter Than The Stars

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    I Love You Forever

    Rated 0 out of 5

    I Love You Forever

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