Showing 341–360 of 666 results

  • Rudie Van Rensburgh


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Kassie het geglo sy speurderdae is getel ná die Medusa-pedofielsaak, en sy hartaanval. Maar ses maande tuis bring perspektief – hy is ’n speurder in murg en been.Terug by die Spookeenheid word hy en kollega Rooi Els dadelik by die diep kant ingegooi: Hulle moet ’n reeksverkragter vastrek – een wat sy slagoffers met ’n…

  • Anne Rice


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Louis is a vampire tortured by guilt. His status as a killer has left him conflicted for much of his immortal life, but after the murder of Claudia, his beloved child vampire, he spirals into a state of depression. And in a moment of desperation he decides to bring her back with the help of…

  • Nicolas Sparks

    Message In A Bottle

    Rated 0 out of 5

    The epic love story that became a major Hollywood film starring Kevin Costner and Robin Wright, by the bestselling author of The Notebook.In a moment of desolation on a windswept beach, Garrett bottles his words of undying love for a lost woman, and throws them to the sea.”My dearest Catherine, I miss you my darling,…

  • Kobus Olivier

    Met My Honde

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Toe die eerste bomme op Februarie 2022 Kijif aan flarde skiet, was Kobus Olivier gereed. Maar om te vlug was bloot nie ’n opsie nie – wat sou van sy vier geliefde honde word? In Met my honde word Kobus en sy vier brakke se verhaal vertel. Die angswekkende nagte terwyl bomme om hul neerreën, die verhaal van…

  • Sidney Gilroy


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die oorskot van ’n verminkte vierjarige word in die vroeë oggendure in ’n Frutti Tutti-roomyskarretjie in Harrismith ontdek. Kaptein Brummels besluit oornag om Parkwegstasie se bulhond, Sollie Mtembu, saam te sleep om ’n oudkollega van hom met die ondersoek te help. Sollie lyk dalk na ’n onervare sersant wat dikwels oor sy eie woorde struikel, maar…

  • Amy McCulloch


    Rated 0 out of 5

    When the sun never sets, there’s no place to hide: a gripping new thriller from the internationally bestselling author of  Breathless Olivia needs to get out of London in a hurry. Where could be a better escape than the opposite side of the globe, on a sightseeing cruise to Antarctica, including a stay on the icy…

  • Rachel Caine

    Midnight Alley

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Claire Danvers’s college town may be run by vampires, but a truce between the living and the dead made things relatively safe. For a while. Now people are turning up dead, a psycho is stalking her, and an ancient bloodsucker has proposed private mentoring.

  • James Patterson

    Miracle At St Andrews

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Seasoned pro golfer Travis McKinley is cruising toward a new season when he misses a putt on the 18th green. Just like that, he’s down and out and off the Senior Tour, his career all but dead.   Then Travis is visited by a mysterious stranger whose vision is clear. Go back to the beginning….

  • Melanie Vosloo

    Moed Vir Elke More

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS TO COMPLETE   In ’n tyd wat gekenmerk word deur misdaad en geweld, is dit nie altyd maklik om moedig voort te beur nie. Maar met God aan ons sy is enigiets moontlik. Dit is die boodskap in Milanie Vosloo se dagboek Moed vir elke…

  • Rudie Van Rensburgh


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Die laaste voerings van oudpolisiespeurder Carl Bester se lewe torring los, en hy sluit aan by die Kaapse tak van Mercurius, ‘n CIA-steunpilaar. Intussen word ‘n Saoediese joernalis in ‘n konsulaat in Istanbul vermoor, met ‘n SA joernalis as onwillige ooggetuie. Gevolge van die joernalis se besluite kring uit na Kaapstad, waar Carl opdrag kry…

  • Karen Rose

    Monster In My Closet

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Private Investigator Clay Maynard locates missing children for clients, but has nearly given up hope of finding his own daughter, cruelly stolen from him by his ex-wife twenty-three years ago.Equine therapist Taylor Dawson has chosen to intern at Daphne Montgomery-Carter’s stables so that she can observe the program’s security director – her father, Clay Maynard….

  • Henk Breytenbach


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Sedert Suid-Afrika se politieke omwentelinge vanaf 1989 word daar van Nasionale Intelligensie se vertroulike leers uit die vorige bedeling vernietig. Terselfdertyd kom ses Duitsers onder geheimsinnige omstandighede in Suid-Afrika aan. Natuurlik kry almal Â’n nuwe identiteit, Afrikaanse name, Â’n nuwe lewe. Nie almal wat met hierdie sake gemoeid was, het skoon rekords nie. Â’n Man…

  • Jill Santopolo

    More Than Words

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Nina Gregory has always been a good daughter. Raised by her father, owner of New York City’s glamorous Gregory Hotels, Nina was taught that family, reputation, and legacy are what matter most. And Tim–her devoted boyfriend and best friend since childhood–feels the same. But when Nina’s father dies, he leaves behind a secret that shocks…

  • Catherine Steadman

    Mr Nobody

    Rated 0 out of 5

    A man is found barefoot and barely conscious on an empty Norfolk beach in the middle of January. He is unable to speak and without identification. Interest in the case is sparked immediately. At the hospital they see him as a medical mystery. The press calls him Mr Nobody, and everybody wants answers.Who is he? And…

  • Chanette Paul


    Rated 0 out of 5

    Ras Erasmus ken feitlik elkeen van hierdie Verlatenfontein-stories soos oorvertel deur sy ouma Kate.

  • Laini Taylor

    Muse Of Nightmares

    Rated 0 out of 5

    In the wake of tragedy, neither Lazlo nor Sarai are who they were before. One a god, the other a ghost, they struggle to grasp the new boundaries of their selves as dark-minded Minya holds them hostage, intent on vengeance against Weep. Lazlo faces an unthinkable choice – save the woman he loves, or everyone…

  • .

    My Creative Bible

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS   The ESV My Creative Bible is an illustrated journaling Bible designed to help young girls to grow closer to God through art and creativity. This unique Bible helps young girls to engage with God’s Word with wide margins for notes, along with lined illustrations for…

  • My Creative Bible For Girls

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS TO COMPLETE     The My Creative Bible for Girls is an illustrated journaling Bible designed to help young girls to grow closer to God through art and creativity. This unique Bible helps young girls to engage with God’s Word with wide margins for notes, along…

  • Landie Du Randt

    My Hacks Vir Die Lewe

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Vir baie lank al is my grootste droom om joy in mense se lewe te bring en hulle te help om die beste weergawe van hulself te wees. My boek bevat al my rituele vir my liggaam, mind, siel en werk, en die lewensrituele wat ek al in my 33 jaar op aarde na die dood van my…

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    My Kreatiewe Joernaal Bybel

    Rated 0 out of 5

    PLEASE NOTE: WHEN STOCK IS UNAVAILABLE, ORDER MAY TAKE 12 WEEKS TO COMPLETE   Ontdek die vreugde van kreatiewe stilword by God! My kreatiewe Joernaal-Bybel bevat die volledige teks van die Nuwe Lewende Vertaling en ongeveer 400 woordkuns-teksverse om in te kleur. Elke bladsy het breë kantlyne met óf ’n woordkuns-teksvers, óf lyntjies waar gebede,…

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